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Small Israeli family firm hits the Target (and Amazon)

It takes chutzpah to compete with housewares giants like Rubbermaid, but Bram Industries leverages Israeli innovation to get prime shelf space.


In 2016, Bram Industries, which was then operating manufacturing facilities in Israel and France, opened its first US manufacturing facility, a $3 million factory and distribution center in Savannah, Georgia.


Since then, Bram has been recognized as one of the most innovative companies in Israel. Its claim to fame: bringing sustainability to the plastics market – including a fully biodegradable shopping bag and disposable cutlery made from cornstarch.


“Companies like Rubbermaid are like 100 times the size of our company, and yet we have the same customers they have. It’s because we bring something different, from design to management. We have new technologies to do things faster and cheaper and more efficiently. So the big buyers agree to meet us and accept us as a supplier,” says Eli Bramli, president.


His father, Haim, founded the business in 1981 and still works on the factory floor at 81 years old. “He knows how to fix everything; he’s an expert in the plastics industry. I come from the commercial and finance side,” says Eli Bramli.


It is this combination of ingenuity, know-how, and hard work that makes companies such as Bram much sought-after as employers of local residents and that makes Georgia proud this is yet another example of the strong ties between our state and Israel.

Life Story’s Bio-Chic bag is biodegradable.
Photo courtesy of Bram Industries

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